The OCBA’s Lawyer Referral & Information Service (LRIS) is the only non-profit legal referral service in Orange County sponsored by the OCBA. It has been referring callers to some of Orange County’s finest attorneys for over 50 years.
LRIS panel attorneys have expertise in 35 areas of the law. Each call is carefully screened by trained representatives to assure referral to the right attorney. Prospective clients receive a free brief consultation to review the legal issue and discuss fees.
LRIS provides bilingual services, meets American Bar Association (ABA) standards set forth for referral services and is certified by the State Bar of California. (Certification #0033)
An administrative fee of $25 is charged for your first referral in one area of law. You will receive additional referrals as needed for a maximum total of three. You will not receive all referrals at one time. The administrative fee collected helps defray operating costs of this nonprofit service. This fee is waived for Criminal Law, Family Law, Immigration Law, Medical Malpractice issues, Personal Injury, Social Security and Workers’ Compensation. A Modest Means program is also available.
Call one of our represetatives at (949) 440-6747 or (877) 257-4762.
We provide bilingual services that meets the American Bar Association (ABA) standards set forth for referral services and we are certified by the State Bar of California, Certification #0033. The Lawyer Referral & Information Service (LRIS) assists thousands of callers annually by referring them to an attorney, agency or group that can best meet their legal needs.